Full Moon in Virgo

Wednesday 7th March 2023

This Virgo Full Moon’s link to Uranus is forcing self-reflection and brutal honesty when reviewing your own actions, habits and boundaries, to instil major changes to free you from stagnation and unhealthy connections to achieve your desired outcomes. 

Intense aspects to Venus and Uranus’ positive influences are causing a huge shake up that interrogates your romantic relationship or situationships, holding everyone involved and their behaviour accountable. Self-love and self-respect are key focuses during this moon phase. Feeling like you’ve lost your sparkle, craving the old you to return, or wanting a new and improved version of yourself to step forward? Now is the time to reintroduce and welcome the new, more confident you. Place yourself on top of the pedestal, replacing those individuals who have proven to be unworthy of your patience and prolonged dedication.

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and for everyday life to consume us, but you deserve a love affair with yourself and within a new or existing relationship. Some people have placed themselves within the friend zone, or in situations where they are held in limbo. Stop acting so powerless, if you don’t love your role or the dynamic of an important relationship, change it! This Full Moon’s energy is commanding. It invokes your alter ego, a little ego never hurt anybody, a lack of self-worth is far more damaging.

The change starts with you first and foremost, no more blame games, hold yourself to account. If you don’t hold yourself and your values in high regard then no-one else will. Virgo Full Moon is bringing you back and restoring you to become the best version of yourself yet. Go bigger and better than ever! Those individuals crying over lack of control within a relationship dynamic or any aspect of their life, are about to receive a cosmic pep talk! 

Venus is sweeping away stagnation in your love life or lack of. Impactful changes in your appearance will spark the fire inside of you. Looks are only a fraction of what makes you, you. Most will desire your energy. When you feel good and operate from a higher vibration, you feel more confident and glow from within. Imagine the best ever version of yourself, mind, body and soul and show dedication everyday working towards this vision.

Whether you’re starting a new fitness regime, healthy eating to restore you with energy, morning meditations for clarity of mind, or falling back in love with you and what you’re most passionate about, you know better than anyone how to pull yourself back after drifting so far from your core. Love yourself first, or grow to appreciate your best qualities and assets in order to shift the energy around you which consequently draws in the outer energies and people that surround you. If you are not content with something, fix it!

The view of yourself will determine the boundaries that you set and make you reassess what you’re willing to tolerate. It is absolutely not about looks, it’s about how you feel, the energy and the feelings that ignite when you think of yourself and where you are headed. You deserve the best, stop watering yourself down with lesser experiences and halfhearted connections, because you’ve grown too familiar with your comfort zone. It is time to spiritually level up.

Don’t remain dedicated to a questionable path that you are venturing down if it does not intuitively serve your highest good, you are allowed to change direction at any point. Honour your future self. Everyday you have the option to claim back your power and make small or difficult changes. You cannot claim back control whilst holding onto a negative mindset and allowing others to determine your moods. Never play the victim, life can deal harsh lessons but the people that are most tested become the most resilient, so that nothing and no-one can knock them. Use your challenges and convert them into stamina to reach and receive your greatest blessings.

The Full Moon on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, is at 16°40′ Virgo. Increased intuition during the Full Moon teaches you how to soothe any anxieties, now is not the time to crumble. Knowing when to take control by applying your hard-work and dedication is so important for you to contribute towards the final outcome and it’s just as vital to understand that some events and occurrences are completely out of your control and instead pre-conspired by God, the Universe and the Angels. All occurrences happen for a valuable reason, rest assured that you are not sent obstacles and setbacks as a form of punishment. You have to flip the script and see the greater picture. Be open to the unexpected.

You might feel in this current moment that you know exactly what and who you want and become fixated on the idea of this, but release some of these expectations and be unexpectedly and positively surprised at other potential options. It’s a fine balance of doing everything within your possible reach and striving for your very best, all whilst trusting in the journey that is being played out for you.

Full Moon trine Uranus ignites your heart chakra to communicate in a more compassionate and authentic way. Do not be surprised if a spur of emotions rush back to you regarding an individual that you had recently pushed from your mind. Feelings cannot be hidden during this Full Moon, you cannot lie to yourself, yet self-respect and accountability for yours and other’s actions override emotion. This is the time to make or break unhealthy relationship dynamics and habits. You will not become accustomed to settling. There’s a flash of realisation that you and your comfort zone are what have been keeping you trapped, igniting a spontaneity within you to trust that the time is now and that this year absolutely anything can happen!

We are here one minute and gone the next, you are wasting your opportunities when you feel that you have the luxury of time. Time is of the essence not because you have to rush through life, but because you deserve happiness now! Put yourself in new spaces, open to exciting opportunities and encounters. Believe in yourself and make life happen.

You do not have to be constricted by the opinions of how others perceive you. You have multiple different traits within your birth chart and you are a complex being, stop confining yourself based on past mistakes, or self-doubt and instead follow your intuition. If you have been feeling low or trapped, make a decisive decision to shock yourself and let God and the Universe know that you are finally open and ready for the unexpected. A simple thought is enough, they are already aware of your frustrations and plea for necessary change.

Full Moon quincunx Venus heightens your longing for real emotions and love. Unrequited love or unbalanced reciprocation of love will have you reevaluating entire connections, have you searching for more and will propel you forward. You will seek an authentic connection that takes you by surprise by someone that matches your efforts and pursues you. You do not have to search high and low for this individual, it’s going to happen and occur when it’s meant to happen, because it’s meant to be.

Those of you experiencing relationship issues during this Full Moon will experience rocky waves, causing tensions or love affairs. No one is staying in situations that they have simply fallen into, or outgrown. You will land in a fulfilling relationship, or those that choose to prioritise their ambitions will be feeling inspired and a sense of freedom in their own company, until their destined time for love arrives. Your desires will manifest according to what you are ready and asking for at this point in your life.

Constellation Ursa Major provokes a sense of mistrust and suspicion. If you are experiencing a relationship where you have reason to believe that you are being deceived, make the decision for your other half. You being a backup option is never an option, take the choice out of their hands. No longer will you allow disrespect or games, when knowing the full extent of your worth.

This Full Moon reclaim all of your power and fall back in love with yourself, your love life or career will positively be impacted. You’ve asked for change and it’s finally being granted!

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